348 results total, viewing 341 - 348
The Olympia City Council has adopted two resolutions to address encampments on state rights of way next to Interstate 5.   At the council meeting held Tuesday, July 12, Housing Programs … more
The little-known Hopkins Drainage Ditch District #2 in Thurston County is seeking up to $380,000 from the owners of homes in The Preserve at Tumwater Place. A hearing that had been set for … more
The Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason, and Thurston (CAC) announced last week that it will not renew its remaining housing contracts with Thurston County, citing concerns about the county's … more
The “Missing Middle” efforts that started in 2016 to expand the variety and density of housing in Olympia have been the subject of legal battles that some hoped would have ended … more
Unaffordable housing threatens the Olympia economy, Strategic Projects manager Amy Buckler told Olympia planning commissioners. "Although the housing market is cooling due to inflation and … more
The Lacey City Council is set to decide on August 4 whether to approve or not the application of Prime Development Group to rezone five acres of primarily forested land from Low-Density Residential … more
The Port of Olympia commissioners expressed willingness to collaborate with the Regional Housing Council (RHC), directing Port Executive Director Sam Gibboney to reach out to discuss the Housing … more
The Washington State Department of Commerce has allocated $6.2 million to build and manage tiny houses on Franz-Anderson Road, Olympia Housing Programs manager Darian Lightfoot reported to the city … more
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