2166 results total, viewing 2121 - 2140
Hear from local activists devoted to anti-racist revolution who have been leading the way for change in Olympia and Thurston County. Several organizations, groups, and individuals will make demands of the City of Olympia and elected officials to end police violence and implement anti-racism for our communities. more
OLYMPIA –– The Olympia City Council voted to move ahead in hiring a police auditor Tuesday night to eliminate events around police brutality. more
OLYMPIA –– The Olympia City Council approved the creation of a new social justice & equity commission on Tuesday night In an attempt to uplift marginalized voices in the community. more
OLYMPIA –– The last of four racial justice town halls hosted by Olympia city officials is coming up this week, featuring a discussion on race and the educational system. more
At 2:59 a.m. Aug. 10, Olympia Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a structure fire at Cambridge Court Apartments, located at 2323 9th Ave. SW. more
OLYMPIA –– Olympia City Council members on Tuesday night are expected to approve forming a new city-wide human rights commission, meant to build a more equitable, just and thriving community, according to city documents. more
OLYMPIA –– Olympia held its third town hall of a four-meeting series centered on racial justice on Thursday night, with panelists focused on the healthcare system and the inequities that people of color often experience within it. more
Poetry is a powerful tool for reflection and creativity. more
OLYMPIA –– If you drive down Henderson Boulevard regularly, you probably noticed a traffic circle that sprang up at the intersection of Henderson and Eskridge. more
OLYMPIA –– Olympia’s five-year plan, the “One Community: Healthy, Safe and Housed” plan was up for discussion by city officials again Monday night as homelessness and poverty continues to be an issue in the greater Olympia community. more
OLYMPIA –– The Olympia Board decided Monday night in a four-hour-long meeting to move to a fully remote fall semester. more
OLYMPIA –– Dozens of protestors gathered in Woodruff Park on a warm, humid Sunday afternoon this week to confront Olympia City Council members in their own neighborhood in West Olympia. more
OLYMPIA –– The second in the series of racial justice meetings in Olympia Thursday night focused on economic opportunity across race lines. Like the first meeting last Friday centering on the legal system, this endeavor brought together a diverse lineup of panelists of color to bring to light their perspectives. more
OLYMPIA –– The Olympia School Board, the governing body of the Olympia School District, is meeting Monday, Aug. 3 to discuss the district’s fall reopening plan. more
OLYMPIA –– A new four-story apartment building is in the works in Olympia. more
OLYMPIA –– A bankruptcy court judge issued a decision in a New York court late Friday that McClatchy, the 163-year-old news media company that owns more than two dozen newspapers nationwide, including The Olympian, would be sold to one of the two major hedge funds that owns most of the company’s debt. more
OLYMPIA –– A crowd of protestors gathered in Heritage Park in Olympia on Friday, July 25 to stand in solidarity with protestors in Seattle and in Portland, Ore. who have come under attack in recent days from federal forces sent in by President Donald Trump. more
OLYMPIA –– The City of Olympia began its four-meeting town hall series on racial justice July 23. With the heightening energy surrounding recent events that highlight the intentions surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, the meeting is designed to allow Black voices to bring their perspectives to the table. more
OLYMPIA –– The City Of Olympia is restoring the police auditor program started in 2002 in response to the concerns over recent police brutality in the community and across the country. more
OLYMPIA –– To expand access to human rights and oppose human rights violations for Olympians city-wide, Olympia’s General Government Committee is working to form a Human Rights … more
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