As March comes into view, I often start to crave leaves – leaves on now-bare trees, leaves on skeletal shrubs, and leaves rising from the ground as the soil warms and perennials awaken.
I …
Whenever my friends and I get together it seems sooner or later the conversation turns to what to believe from the news and social media. There are so many conflicting stories, articles and posts. …
By Kathleen Anderson
For most of my life, I have lived at least six hours from the “ocean” (yes, Texans refer to the Gulf of Mexico as “the ocean”).
I am greatly enamored of whales and other …
The calendar says we’re still a month away from spring, but I think it’s lying. Crocuses and snowdrops are blooming, daffodils are well on their way, and buds are swelling everywhere you …
By Jill Severn
Ah, what a beautiful day! The air has that magical quality it sometimes gets in spring, a caressing softness on the skin. The buds on the plum trees are swelling, and the robins have ascended to the …
By Pepper Trail
Dear Lexis,
What really is boredom, and why does it matter?
- Turned off in Tenino
Dear TO in T90,
It's an interesting …
Feb. 16 Column
The Sage Connection:
I had a nice chat with Stacee Anderson (no relation) a few days ago. Stacee lives in Olympia and is a wife, mother, grandmother and teacher.
Apparently, …
We are halfway through February and have not yet focused on Black History Month.
President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize …
Mary Beth Harrington, CVA
Dear Lexis,
Why is it that you think that beliefs are so important?
~ Curious in Tumwater
Dear Curious,
That is an excellent question. …
By Alexis Rae Baker
Last week I wrote about composting, which I thought was a pretty simple project: make a pile of garden waste, chicken, rabbit, horse or cow manure and food scraps, mix things up, keep it moist, cover …
By Jill Severn
Hello Thurston County! Finally, we are seeing COVID-19 cases fall after the Omicron surge, however, our COVID-19 transmission rates still remain high. I wanted to share with you some of the recent …
February is a very important month with many reasons to celebrate.
I always learn something new during Black History Month and this year was no different.
This year, for instance, I learned Dr. …
By Kathleen Anderson
This is a busy week! With the Super Bowl and Olympics not to mention the NBA, NHL, and NCAA in full force as well as the MLB contract talks (not going well) it’s hard to focus on other things …
By Mary Beth Harrington, CVA
Dear Lexis,
I really want a boyfriend but I can’t seem to find anybody.
~ Lonely in Olympia
Dear Lonely in Olympia,
I know how challenging it can be to want a relationship and not …
By Alexis Rae Baker
If you have a lot of space, composting is easy: you make a big pile of all your chicken or livestock manure, straw, kitchen scraps, weeds, grass clippings, and other garden debris, water it down, and …
Dear Sam, Laurie, and Jessica:
The legislature, in my opinion, has taken progressive steps backward on housing. That is while trying to do the right thing for renters, you are sometimes …
Around 50 years ago, I worked for a class A department store in California.
I started as a sales clerk and was quickly promoted to assistant department manager. Three months later, I was given my …
Greetings and Happy Lunar New Year (also known as Chinese New Year). The Lunar New Year begins in East Asia on the second new Moon after the winter solstice - between January 21 and February 20. This …
By Mary Beth Harrington, CVA
Dear Reader,
My husband and I have been looking for an apartment for what seems like forever. Recently we found ourselves in the unfortunate position of being scammed. Thankfully we figured …
By Alexis Rae Baker
I have friends who can identify the make, model and year of every car and truck that passes by. They pay attention to every taillight design, every difference in body shape and wheel size, and every …