1287 results total, viewing 1261 - 1280
Letter to Washington State Patrol; Mr. Turk; I have lived in Olympia for 40 years. I am writing about the illegal trespass and vandalism activity that took place on January 6 at the Wa State … more
Until today The JOLT has successfully kept our pledge to focus exclusively on local issues. We cover news, events and people in Tumwater, Lacey, Olympia and nearby areas of Thurston County. It … more
I have no sense of direction. None. Zippo. I consider this lack a birth defect and have come to terms with it over the years. When I lived in the Dallas, Texas area, I nearly lost my mind a number … more
I have to admit, I almost feel sorry for old 2020. It's been catching a lot of hate these days, and not without cause. Of course, the year we call 2020 -- with the obligatory eye-roll -- isn't an … more
Dear Lexis, I find myself feeling a bit stuck lately. Life seems to be going okay, but I don't feel particularly hopeful or happy on a daily basis. I'm not really sure why I feel this way, but I … more
One of the hardest things’ seniors have to give up in life is our car keys. With the loss of these, goes our freedom, independence and life as we know it. Either we now have to budget for … more
Dear Lexis, I am really struggling now with the weight of life and want to know how to find hope in it. With the constant struggle to make rent, so much time and energy spent away from those I … more
Bored? Not feeling the holiday spirit this year? If so, you are not alone. Christmas is just a few days away and we are not supposed to gather with family and friends this year. Too many of us are … more
Dear Alexis, My life is going pretty well, but something that has been bugging me is the lack of help I get from my husband around the house. Do you have any suggestions as to what I might do to … more
I love all things intergenerational – hobbies, projects, friends and, of course, family. One the of main reasons I feel this way is because of what I can learn from these multigenerational … more
Dear Lexis, During this time of Covid, I wondered if you had some de-stressing techniques that you could share to help people find some calm. Thanks, Julie Hey Julie, I’m glad … more
Commenting on "Outdated Sewage Treatment is Suffocating Fish in Puget Sound," published Dec. 8, 2020, Harry Branch writes:  The article on the "pressing state of environmental decay in Puget … more
Do you know or have a frail elderly family member in need of help in their home? Finding help can be a daunting task even with someone you trust to help you navigate the internet. Scam artists abound … more
Hey Lexis, What kinds of problems do you like to help people with? And why did you choose to start an advice column in the first place? Signed:  The Editor Hey JOLT Readers, Several … more
We asked for suggestions on what you would like to see in this column and Joyce Ogden wrote: “I'm a long-time senior, retired over 24 years. Today I got a flyer (among others) in the morning … more
Quietly last summer, when social justice protests were daily events following the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others, an anonymous person or group produced an informal public display … more
Over the past nine months, I have written about some of the parallels between the 1918-20 influenza pandemic and today’s coronavirus outbreak: opposition to masks, premature elimination of … more
What comes next? Do you join Senior Services for the South Sound, the “senior center”? Become a proud member of AARP? Renovate your kids rooms into man caves and sewing parlors?  … more
Commenting on "Laws banning private armies go unenforced," Dale Putnam writes:  Interesting article. Can we expect to see a similar review and analysis of the legality or illegality of groups … more
In your Thurston County Trivia today you asked about the westside hospital. You referenced Capital Medical Center. Actually it was started in 1984, with construction into 1985. The original name … more
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