Of course, this is self-reporting about how a person feels as to whether they are discriminated against due to their particular identity as they imagine it. And, of course, by those who bother to respond to the survey. I saw the announcement but didn't bother to respond. I know the weakness of these very unscientific (by social science standards) surveys. I'm 72, male, white, and very working class and have "felt" looked down upon by those who "seemed" to be looking down on me. Classism? Ageism? Misanthropist? Racism? I came to the conclusion that it was the "poor white trash" chip on my shoulder! As I grew from a "Grievance" Identity to an "Honer" Identity and then to a "Dignity" Identity I learned to let that small minded stuff go. I am not what I think and feel! I am that which thinks and feels. Pursue that and don't get lost in the pettiness of childhood! =)
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