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I am not a "paid shill" of the campaign. I've been a JOLT reader for years ever since the founder gave me a business card at a festival while wearing his goofy outfit that he wore well. And I'll be here after the campaign is over and the votes are counted because I find the stories to be interesting and more varied than what the Olympian pumps out. However, I dislike the fact that the comments section is turning into a giant echo chamber of the same 5+ people pumping each other up and any dissenting voice is called a "shill".

I appreciate that you finally admitted that you find them untrustworthy. It would be nice for the platitudes about trusting firefighters to cease because they cannot both be trustworthy yet trying to deceive the voters at the same time. I find it an utterly hard pill to swallow that the firefighters at the forum, on the videos that I've seen posted on their pages, and composing their unions would be either so nefarious as to push a lie on the voters or so dumb as to not even know what was going to help them do their jobs. They aren't idiots. What I was referencing when I used the word slimy was not a particular person but the implied tactics of representing the "No" side as the brain trust that has to shine the light to the lying and/or dumb fire department personnel with a nice coat of "but of course we trust our firefighters!" paint brushed on top.

From: I Trust Our Firefighters/EMTs

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