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This area of the Northwest section of Olympia is inundated with single family dwellings with two cars and two kids. That's the least of it on top of that it seems as though MultiCare has taken over every doctor's office in the area there's no parking, there are no sidewalks, or places for children to play there are no schools, only uses to lumber through neighborhoods with no sidewalks. There are no schools in this area for this proposed development site. This idea is a horrible attempt to answer a problem off too many people not enough roads, schools, playgrounds. This idea should also give everyone who lives in Northwest Olympia a signal to say something to P Smith in the P&Z Committee. department of Olympia. It's getting hard to get in and out of your house if you don't have an hour. Just going grocery shopping though it's only 5 blocks away, is its worst that I've ever seen. Traffic! you can't get between Kaiser and Cooper Point if you don't have more than 20 minutes. It's bumper to bumper at every light. There are lines EVERYWHERE! TO Building committees:

From: Olympia Site Plan Committee reviews affordable ‘workforce housing’ on 9th Ave SW

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