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If you are interested in seeing an example of presenting genuinely balanced pro and con perspectives about the Regional Fire Authority Ballot Proposition No. 1, visit Olympia Indivisible's voter education webpage:

Democracy is strengthened when voters are well informed about the issues on which they are asked to vote. However, the ballot for Proposition 1 which Olympia and Tumwater affords only 250 words each for the Vote For/Against statements and only 75 words for rebuttal statements.

Because the proposed RFA merger proposition is a complex issue with very significant consequences for residents of Olympia and Tumwater, Olympia Indivisible reached out to the authors of the Vote For/Against ballot statements in late February, 2023 to ask if they would be willing to provide us with 1000-word statements and 250-word rebuttals (along with related charts and tables) to be posted on Olympia Indivisible's website, in an effort to give Olympia and Tumwater voters vital information which might otherwise be unavailable.

​The authors kindly agreed, and the Thurston County Auditor Election Office kindly made available the ballot title and explanatory statement. You can read their statements and rebuttals at

From: Olympia-Tumwater RFA Flier Doesn't Measure Up

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