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I don't often agree with the Thurston County Republicans. I am an elected Democratic precinct committee officer. But they hit the nail right on the head with this.

I oppose the RFA for different reasons. The Fire Benefit Charge is highly regressive -- it charges the smallest homes at a higher rate than the charges the largest homes.

It uses a "square root of the square feet" formula, that makes small locally-owned apartments buildings (five units) pay 5 times as much per unit as a large corporate-owned apartment complex of 200 units. That's just a subsidy to big corporations.

There are ZERO new firefighters or paramedics identified in the Seven-Year Strategic Plan for the RFA, but our population is growing at 2% per year. So our quality of service will decline at about 2% per year.

The planned salary scale for the RFA is off the charts. The top six brass would each cost us a quarter-million dollars per year (including benefits).

Look at the facts at

Big new fees. No new service. Vote NO. Keep your fire service local.

From: Thurston County Republican Party recommends a vote of "NO" on Regional Fire Authority Prop 1

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