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Contrary to the accusatory comments by LarryJz, the information about firefighter hours and salaries are not hard to find; a simple google search turns up the salary range of a firefighter in the respective cities and a quick perusal of the union contracts posted to the city websites shows how many hours, on average, their workweek is (49.5).

Larry has a penchant for nefarious insinuations and nebulous suggestions promoting things such as a the idea that "they seem to have gone to great lengths to make that information hard to find.", which is not surprising looking at the rest of his campaign which is focused on fear-mongering, what-ifs, and outright falsehoods. It took time over the past few months (and however many dozens of articles and op-eds the Jolt has published) for this to become as brazenly apparent to me as it is now which ultimately turned me off completely to the "No" campaign.

From: Proposed Regional Fire Authority: What’s wrong with the proposed Fire Benefit Charge?

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