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Indeed, the consultant now admits that they made errors for condominiums.

The online calculator, hosted by the City of Tumwater, shows that a unit at the Capitol Lake Towers would pay over $1,300.

But Tumwater Fire Chief Brian Hurley wrote to one resident of the building that the "calculator/estimator is not correct..." See the text of his letter below.

But, it turns out, the REVISED calculation provided by the consultant is ALSO incorrect. They re-calculated the condo at the single-family RESIDENTIAL rate. But the actual language governing the Fire Benefit Charge adopted by the two cities applies the much higher COMMERCIAL rate to every condo in a building that includes ANY commercial space (which this building does.)

The errors compound on errors. The obvious solution is to vote this mistake down, and tell the City Councils to fund their fire departments adequately but frugally from traditional revenues like property tax and sales tax. Vote NO.


According to our Fire Benefit Charge consultant, the online calculator/estimator is not correct for this building. The online estimator uses data from the County Assessor’s Office which has data for each unit and also for the entire building. The calculator incorrectly added commercial square footage into the calculation. I confirmed with the consultant that the Fire Benefit Charge for parcel 38760020200 is estimated to be $159.69. Regards, Chief Hurley

Brian Hurley | Chief

Tumwater Fire Department

555 Israel Road SW | Tumwater, WA 98501

From: More errors found in proposed Fire Benefit Charge Calculator for apartments, condos and mixed-use owners

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