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Most of us non-fire fighters, must work more than 2 days in a row every week. Most of us non-fire fighters, do not earn salaries at or near $100,000.00. Most of us non-firefighters do not have lavash benefit packages. Most of us can not add a fee to our neighbors to fund better work conditions, higher salaries, and better benefits.

Please, a common way to raise money from the taxpayer is with a bond issue. A bond issue by public vote not a new bureaucracy with the ability to raise fees on us without a vote.

Vote no to Prop 1, the RFA. Vote no to keep your local fire department. Vote no to preserve your right to vote on increased taxes masarading as fees. Vote no to preserve public accountability on your local government.

From: The proposed Fire Benefit Charge that would help fund the Regional Fire Authority is fundamentally sound

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