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Cost per Gallon

When Mr. Kmet says, “It [the RFA FBC] does not calculate the cost of water to put out a fire, as some have implied.” You may wonder who would be so deceptive to imply that the cost per gallon is connected to water on a fire?

I found the culprit, and it turns out the call is coming from inside the house!

This is the actual language on page 27 of the current plan that is before the voters:

“The primary factors of the [FBC] formula are the amount of required “fire flow” or water needed to extinguish a fire, and the type and size of structure being assessed”.

But of course, the description in the Plan is also bogus. The Cost per Gallon is intended to sound like an important objective measure. Rather it is just a budgetary device to set the FBC to match whatever amount the RFA wants to spend. Again, don’t believe me, believe the other RFAs with an FBC.

As the Renton Regional Fire Authority writes: “Fire Flow Factor/Cost per Gallon (CPG). The relative cost of providing the required fire flow per gallon during a fire incident. CPG is a balancing factor used as an adjustable multiplier to finely tune the FBC calculation across all properties to reach the desired target FBC amount.”

Here is the NorthShore Fire District, “The “Cost per gallon” is the multiplication factor that when used with the modified fire flow calculations will produce a value equal to the desired benefit charge collection”.

From: The proposed Fire Benefit Charge that would help fund the Regional Fire Authority is fundamentally sound

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