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To the person who said the comments pro and against were even, they were not. I only counted people who commented once, even if they had commented several times. I also counted written and oral comments. There were 107 comments (oral and written) up until the comment period after the hearing and 2/3rds were opposed to the proposed parking regulations.

Also Leonard Bauer the head of Community Planning and Development, said that no parking (no parking minimums) had not been tried that he knew of in a City the size of Olympia. In bigger cities, with buses, subways, or light rail no parking can work. I lived for years in NYC without a car (I almost forgot how to drive). I was also able to do shopping very close to my apartment. Olympia's buses on many routes stop at 8 pm and are on restricted schedules on weekends. Last Thanksgiving there was no bus service at all. Additionally, for most people food stores are not near to where they live. To do without parking, you need frequent reliable transportation, and food stores and services close by. Olympia has neither.

Something that I have observed and I find disturbing, is the pro-density advocates who are also pushing no parking are the first to throw insults towards people who have concerns about proposed regulations. It is a familiar cancel culture tactic.

From: Olympia community member to councilmembers: Take a bus to understand the impact of zero-parking proposal

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