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I agree with Mr. Gear that a child will want to read what interests him/her regardless of his/her age. When I was a child I could read far above my grade level and was often chastised or questioned for wanting to read adult level books. It didn't matter to me whether or not I understood the dictionary definition of every word within it. I just wanted to read it. I was able to enjoy learning about the world and absorb the meaning. I loved literature and science. I was a bookworm. When I became a mother, my sons learned to read from the cradle as I read to them. I took them weekly to the library to check out as many books as they could carry. Their age never stopped them from reading adult level books and becoming scholars. A young mind should be free to explore and absorb new worlds, question the world he/she inhabits, and imagine infinite new worlds to come. Inhibiting reading choice only gives power to the closed minded. Let children read for themselves!

Ginny Ith

From: Reject policies delineating age-appropriate books, book bans

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