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WOW! Reading your ordeal and the other comments prompted me to tell my brief one. 3 years ago I went in at 12:30 am thinking my supplements and heart meds had lodged in my throat. I was there til 6 am before I got to see a doctor. They had to order something to numb my throat so they could use a probe to look down it. They got sore throat spray! WHAT?? The doctor kept trying as I was gagging and spitting the water up that I was drinking. I was sent home saying they couldn't find anything. 7 months went by with me having things catch in my throat. I went in for an MRI but could when they tried to get me into the unit I felt like knives jabbing me in my throat. I was sent to Capital ENT. They used the correct numbing agent and were able to probe. He told me they could not let me go home and I needed surgery. I got it at 7pm. A large sprung paperclip had gotten into my pill bottle and had clipped onto my epiglottis. It could have done so much to me if it had dislodged! I wrote to the CEO of St. Peters and they passed the letter to the ER department. Their response: We will use this as a learning experience. No apology, nothing else. They could have killed me! Sore throat spray? 7 hours?

From: Reflections on a trip to Olympia’s only trauma emergency department

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