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Having read the League of Women Voters Thurston County Report on Drinking water futures, I found it to be both helpful and meandering. It has good current data, but the forecasting of future weather, Sound Shoreline height, and employment and GDP data are very speculative and appear designed to create a panic more than give a reasoned appraisal.

The sections on salmon habitat and shoreline health while interesting don't apply to the drinking water issue and are eco-filler to build a sense of greater calamity if action is not taken. Unfortunately, it's recommendations are not creative, scientific or really helpful other then "ration your personal use" and "build awareness"... etc. What may be more helpful would be a plan to distribute Western Thurston county's triple the rest of the county's average annual precipitation levels and a discussion on how we keep more winter rain in the aqua-system perhaps through more catch basins, planned surface diversions during heavy rain periods and increased water storage sites for later dry season use. We have been lucky here in the PNW, graced with abundant rainwater. Now we have to rationally look at practices of other regions who have had to manage their water supplies more efficiently. Not a time to panic- just to use intelligence and create a plan for best use.

From: Lacey hoping to find more water in the district, approves exploratory drilling

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