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Play stupid games…

We’ve been reliably informed that dozens of essentially empty buses driving around town all day at 6-8 mpg is part of a green, sustainable future. I also hope the EV crowd feels smug when they charge their batteries made of materials dug up by slave labor half a world away. Meanwhile, most of our power comes from a coal plant 20 miles south and a natural gas facility over in Satsop. The wind turbines on the distant southern ridge make us feel better though…. just don’t look too closely at the base of those towers, one might find a significant number of dead birds. Bald eagles (or many other large birds) and turbine blades don’t play well together.

No, no… Let’s pat ourselves on the back for a feeble drop in a nebulous figure with no mention of error bars or methods. The good news is that somebody, somewhere is making money on all this. Great job Oly, we’re crushing it!

From: Olympia's greenhouse gas emissions drop by 4.7%

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