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look at Tacoma and their lax attitude towards crappy advertising signs polluting the landscape and you will understand how inured the populace has become to such visual trash. I, myself, make every effort to remove any illegally posted advertisement that I see. My understanding is that political signs fall under different rules and that fines can be levied for those that are not promptly removed post-election. Personally, I would like to see fines levied for ANY business sign posted contrary to city and county rules. Take a picture, take it down, pull it up and send the infraction notice to the business owner. A successful business like Already Moving routinely has someone affixing their gaudy signs to telephone poles. I yank them down and call the office to express my indignation. Never have had a call back.

Join the crusade. Take a minute to stop and remove any advertising signs you see.

"John Buys Houses" had affixed two of his crappy signs on telephone poles up near Garfield school. Having had recently been working in Tacoma and seen his signs utterly defiling the landscape, I called the number, spoke to the jackass and told him that if I saw any more of his signs in Thuston County that I would take some days to remove every sign of his in the Tacoma area. Do you see them proliferating here?

He was shocked that I would pull his signs down! Fork yes I will! I live here and see no reason as to why I should view his trash in my meanderings around the county.

From: Political process or political waste?

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