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Well, Yeti, actually no, not illegal. Illegally posted signs are in violation of Thurston County codes. I never remove campaign signs. Off-site business advertising on telephone poles, trees, municipal rights-of-way and other forbidden locations are perfect targets for community action. Would you protest if I removed someone's dog **** from the sidewalk? Illegally placed signs may be removed by whomsoever chooses to apply themselves to the task.

I specifically asked at the PSE office on Pacific as to this. They don't mind if illegal signs are removed from their poles. They don't want to hear about for liability reasons but don't consider it illegal. It's their property being illegally used for signage which is against county code.

If I chose to remove all political signs a few days after an election, I would also be perfectly within my rights. Those signs are REQUIRED to be removed promptly. There are fines which can be levied if they are not.

Would you complain if I picked up trash along roadways? Illegal business signs qualify as such.

In conversations I have had with business owners who continue to ILLEGALLY post their business signs I have found that they simply do not care as there is no official enforcement.

I shall continue my campaign. Despite the occasional perusal of my activity by the occasional passing law enforcement I have never been questioned as to my activity or been told to stop.

I shall continue my campaign.

From: Political process or political waste?

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