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I'm sure the CRU team has good intentions and actually do help in certain ways like providing blankets, coats and if they are available, help with someone dealing with mental health issues so the dont have to be subjected to the belittling and condescending tones commonly given by a majority of the oh so "great" Olympia Police officers. But more needs to be done from the cru team because with the amount they're funded, all they and Lacey's outreach team basically do when they are called on to help someone is give out phone numbers and a list of places that a homeless person can go to to find some sort of assistance with food, shelters or clothing. Honestly I don't know why they are paid so much money to just drive or walk around to tell people about resources that they all already know about. The church that drives around at night and passes out hot items and bags of food, blankets and all sorts of necessities do more then these city funded teams do... I believe they're only around because it makes the city look like they're doing something more to help when actually it does much of nothing except waste a lot of money.

From: Olympia’s Crisis Response Unit strives to de-escalate conflict and reduce harm

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