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having known more than one functioing slumlord, some mechanism is needed to FORCE the worst of the bunch to provide safe housing for the lease and rent amounts they pay. Think "John Buys Houses" gives much of real care(****)about making timely repairs? I had two conversations with him. He'll rely on his lawyers and his pots of money, of which he looooooves to brag.

Rapid conglomeration of affordable property is occurring very much because of rapacious people like "John". Unscrupulous asswipes like him need the stick, the carrot has no effect.

As with many poorly monitored and carelessly administered programs such as these, in this city, many funds will be wasted or slushed away. PBIA, anyone. Now here comes the next 'special' tax, DBIA, or some such thing. So, just what was PBIA for?

A program is certainly in need to force some landlords into compliance. Hey, Dwayne, where are those repairs on my black house?

Here s a program which can work if the onus and cost were gradually shifted to the worst offenders. Those property owners who meet hallmarks should qualify for lower fees.

Unfortunately in this city, careful, well applied oversight is likely to never happen.

Check out the property on Marion at the end of San Francisco street and you will see what few teeth the city's codes have. Yes, a slumlord I worked for. Dogshit in the yard, even on her side of her property and she with a ten-year old

The owners to the east sod at a loss of 10's of K's just to be rid of the view and the stench of dog **** in the summer.

From: Olympia passes rental registry despite strong public opposition

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