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Something needs to happen. Last year I found myself dating a local landlord that used every trick in the book to skirt basic housing rights for renters by renting month to month and a list of others. He chose tenants by discrimination on their ethnicity and decided what they would behave like. he did zero background or credit checks and yet charged for them. I was astonished at how he ran his apartments and is part of why he's in the rear view mirror. Now, at the SAME time I had a friend move up to Olympia from Westport and found her apartment had black mold in the bathroom with two children. Her landlord just painted over the top and told her it was enough to solve the issue. Her whole family was having breathing issues and they relocated asap to get away from him. I say in one year I came across two of these selfish landlords that don't give one rip about anything past collecting their FULL rent. Go get em city.. do what you can to try to address the outlandish costs of housing and the landlords that can't seem to actually provide what they are being paid to provide.

From: Olympia passes rental registry despite strong public opposition

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