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Landlords (AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANIES) are scrambling, fearing they may finally end up accountable for all the dirty deeds they do to the tenants in our city! Any owner that is doing the right thing in their business will have no issue with these rules and regulations. Fact is, owners are making plenty of profits, constantly raising rents in the name of inflation, when their mortgage rates aren't increasing at the same pace, nor are their expenses.

One property manager quoted in this article worked for a company I rented through for over 6 years, I got married, and there was no issue adding my husband to the lease for several months... but within a week of meeting my husband in person (he is not white).. I had a notice to terminate my lease in 20 days. During said move out, this property management company took over my home (I was only half moved out), stole my belongings, then lied about it! I was able to recover only a couple of items, then the joke of a court system took over. I won twice in court, then on the third attempt in court the property managers finally go the case in front of their golf buddy/church friend judge where I again was totally screwed, with the judge not even allowing me to bring forth my evidence or state my case in court. The company just changes their DBA and Facebook/social media pages when they get a bad review by a tenant so all seems kosher and rainbows and sunshine when new tenants/owners are reviewing and shopping around. In my opinion, the management companies are WORSE than the private small landlords-- these larger companies seem to be above the law in this city!

From: Olympia passes rental registry despite strong public opposition

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