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I just watched a presentation on Proactive Rental Inspection programs thinking wow this would be great in Oly. They are a way to implement regulations that are intended to reduce health inequities and disparities caused by lax local housing laws which deincentivize renters from reporting their landlords for not meeting minimum standards out of fear for retribution, deincentivize property owners from acknowledging poor living conditions out of fear of penalization, and deincentivize local governments fear taking sides between renters, landlords, and the overly powerful commercial real estate and property management interest groups. PRIs solve this through the proactive approach intended to establish a true minimum health and safety standard that is verified on a regular basis, and remove barriers for low and middle income and predominantly BIPOC renters from participating in local governance. As someone who is still a "mom and pop" landlord I can safely say I will not sell my investments. Indeed I will now sleep more soundly knowing a nominal fee will hold me, my property management company, and my local government more accountable to ensure the health and safety of tenants. For anyone who disbelieves there is data already supporting the need for PRIs, or their efficacy as a solution, here is Change Lab Solutions report and guide.

Anyone who is a tenant in Olympia and believes they are experiencing housing discrimination and fear retaliation for seeking a solution should also know that the Olympia Social Justice and Equity Commission was created to help hold those with power accountable for their actions.

From: Olympia passes rental registry despite strong public opposition

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