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How else are we going to transfer homeless people from tents to apartments without shady deals with contractors that pay no taxes for X number of years. Someone has their head in the sand on deals such as this, could it be these agreements are being made in a dark atmosphere. Wherever these agreements are being made it is the homeowners who are being victimized, the TAX PAYER. This brings up another subject of the voting age being lowered to 18 years of age. Now, you tell me how many 18 year olds are homeowners. Any and all taxpayer issues should be voted on by property owners only not by an 18 year old student who owns nothing in the way of property and probably has been intimidated to vote on school issues by someone in the school system.

The tax system in the cities and the State of Washington is being conducted like a MAFIA operation and the voice of the people, who voice their negative opinion are very seldom listened to. Look at our great United States who has put us so far in debt, in the TRILLIONS. It appears that our State school system has the attitude to operate in debt and have to be bailed out with tax dollars. FOLKS, the Future is not looking good.

From: My property taxes vs inflation tell a different story than the Olympia city manager told

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