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This will only do one thing, cause rents to skyrocket. The biggest driver of crazy rent increases is commercial rentals who are driven by money. Now Olympia is ensuring private owner rentals will disappear under burdensome regulations that corporate rentals will pass on to renters while private owners simply sell. Private owners are critical in keeping rent prices lower. The private owner is renting their home at or slightly above their mortgage as their primary concern is covering the rent and charging a little over goes back into the home to cover repairs or needed updates such as roof replacement and painting the house. The private owner is just trying to keep their home to either have it paid off by retirement or to pass it on to their children. Corporate owners are in it for profit.

I believe renters deserve protections from constant rising rates, a safe home in good repair but this is not the answer. Why should a private owner be forced to install something unnecessary that not even they would have done if the home was owner occupied? Private renters aren't restricting air conditioning are...corporate and federal housing has long prohibited ac units.

Make a law that forces corporate owners to do right and leave mom and pop landlords do what they have long done...provide good rentals at an affordable rate...basically covering their mortgage and a bit for repairs.

From: Olympia wants public feedback on rental housing policy update

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