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Developers and deep pocketed corporations see farmland as merely a place to pave over and build warehouses, megamansions and tickytacky houses. They want to make money. They ahve the money and the lobbyists who can convince a legislator that farmland doesn't make the lobbyist or the legislator wealthy. Our rural lands are being nibbled to death, little by little. One tactic the developers and corporations use is what they call 'mitigation'. They say, lets us build on this farm land and we'll give you (the county) this other bit of land that is basically scotch broom wasteland.

The thing is, every one of them uses the SAME piece of land, that same bit of land, over and over again as 'mitigation'. No one in the legislator is told, oh, we gave up this bit of land two months ago, and that developer over there used it a year ago...etc. It's bait and switch.

One time a legislator said to a farmer, Why should I preserve farmland? We don't have a food shortage.

The farmer said, "Where do you think your food comes from?"

And the lawmaker said, "From the supermarket."

Yes, they are that stupid. Or greedy. Or both.

From: What does the loss of local farmland mean to Thurston County residents?

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