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Blaming landlords for rent increases is like beating the dead horse because the load was too heavy. Landlords have to pay property taxes, business taxes, have to do maintainance on their rentals after a careless renter has trashed it , renters who've refused to pay rent, violated the lease (like bringing in unhousebroken or flea ridden pets when the lease says no pets) or used it improperly (for instance, flushing baby wipes down the toilet). Do the people writing the 'fairness code" understand that it should be "fairness for EVERYBODY"? Landlords have to pay for their own residences as well as their rentals. The government thinks that property tax is the only way to make money.

Aftger renting my home out to three different families (all at reasonable raters) while I was stationed overseas resulted in two of them refusing to pay rent, (evictions aren't cheap) one bringing in two big dogs who destroyed the carpet, one woman who's convicted felon boyfriend threatened to kill my property manager when she insisted he had to have a background check, one family allowed their kids to shoot .22 caliber handguns INSIDE the garage, and one family forged a document changing the lease to a 'rent-to-own lease' because they 'really like the place' and didn't want to move out.

So I was out about $40K for replacing carpets, repairing the garage, loss of rent, and I'm now the bad guy? I'm the unfeeling, greedy landlord? My arse. I will never, ever ever rent out my home again. I will burn it down before I ever rent again.

From: Olympia for All advocates for 'Landlord Fairness Code' as rental inflation outpaces wage growth

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