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The consultants were asked to look for limits to future warehouse development in county unincorporated areas and wow, they found what they were paid to find. NO mention of all the existing land within the urban areas that could be redeveloped . No mention of the millions of square feet of warehouse land along I-5 in Lewis County and North in Pierce. No mention of the costs to air, water and habitat quality if we expanded the industrial land base into rural, agricultural and conservation areas of the county. The county should hire a consultant to look for the limits to water, air, and habitat. We already know from another study there are 7,000 acres of prime farmland not protected from development. There are competing needs for our remaining land. Gosh remember just last year the Port of Olympia was part of a planning group that identified a future international airport in our County. The Port and County leaders have choices to make. Pave paradise and put warehouses or breath clean air, drink clean water, welcome our salmon back.

From: Study: Thurston has limited industrial lands

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