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Many homeless are being housed at Unity Commons run by Interfaith Works. Many more will be housed in the new building that is being built beside Unity Commons which is on Martin Way and Pattison. This does not solve the problem because there are many more that need housing than it can accomodate.

Would those who are critical of how Olympia is handling the homeless crisis please put some ideas out there for what to do? It is a tough problemto solve. We need you help to solve it.What about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? If you were unhoused what would you want others to do?

A major cause of homelessness is high rents and not enough affordable housing. It will continue to get worse because rents are increasing. People need help to get out of homelessness, but it is hard for that help to work when there are no affordable homes to be had. We should be subsidizing those who build affordable housing, not those who build market rate housing.

From: They still are homeless 

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