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JM - I've been concerned about your articles. While I knew you were "reporting" on the homeless and documenting with your pics, the tone seemed to imply that you weren't seeing the larger picture. But now I see that you do. This whole situation is a travesty! Homelessness happens for many reason, but as you noted, most of it is the result of a self-inflicted action or a lifestyle choice. Take away the choice and address the actual root cause (criminal or mental) and the numbers will reduce and lives will be saved. I especially appreciate the spot light you put on the money being spent and the complete lack of transparency - virtual signaling is popular today. It needs to stop. Someone needs to be the adult and take charge. Elected officials should sit up and take notice. We ARE watching you and We do vote. It's OUR money you are spending. And it's OUR community you are destroying. I don't blame the homeless - as you noted JM, they come here because they can and because our elected officials want them to. The sooner we clean house with our vote, the sooner our community can become the place it once was. Beautiful and safe - the gem of Puget Sound.

From: They still are homeless 

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