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Another example where a "Community Report Card" is needed that is routinely updated with trackable data and shared with all. This Report will support an honest review of what is working, what is not, and which approach might be a "failed experiment or failed management contract" on a County wide basis. There are now many "designated hotels, new sites, old jungles and a typically relocated new site when old sites are closed" to track on the Community Report Card. Out of sight does not mean a good site is now replacing the problem. Without good data and longer-term tracking, elected officials are not being advised and held accountable for the new big expenditure or community vote. In the last five years how much has been spent? How much staff is assigned? What is the projected five-year budget for the same. Just maybe a better expenditure of budget and more "tough love" is needed to make progress on a better solution.

From: Veterans’ group airs concerns on neighborhood disturbances from nearby supportive housing

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