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Your third question about enforcing laws suggests you may not have done as much research as you claim. In 2015 the US DOJ filed a state of interest regarding Bell v. City of Boise et al. "The DOJ’s brief explains that cities which prosecute people who are homeless for sleeping or camping in public places, when there is insufficient shelter space, violate the Eight Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment." Generally, you can't arrest someone for sleeping on the street if you don't have an alternative.

Our economy has changed so much in the last couple of decades. It is harder and harder for folks to get by. Why is it difficult to understand why the homeless population is growing when housing is becoming so much more expensive? Wage growth has not kept pace with the cost of living, particularly housing costs, since the 1970's. This is a systemic problem that won't be fixed by band-aids and will continue to get worse until we implement real solutions, like public housing that acknowledges the need for dignity, comfort, and security.

From: Homeless-camp cleanups: Many questions remain unanswered by cities

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