As a person who was directly affected by displacement due to the oly city council's love affair with walker john and all the high end places being built downtown I find it useless to complain to our current oly city council. They only listen to snob clubs like rotary, business owners, and their favorite pet walker john. That Griswold building project? It's a sham and a scam. The city aka the people already owned that land and should have worked with a non profit to insure housing that the average person making commerce work downtown by working in those shops and bars etc. .had access to places they can afford to live. Instead that pet grifter wj once again was handed a giant gift from classist city council that would replace all low income with faux luxury that the people who have called Olympia home all our lives can't afford to live in. I keep asking oly city council what they plan to do to replace the naturally existing affordable housing that has rapidly disappeared since they started perusing their wealth agenda for downtown core. I was told by one person I managed to get on the phone after many calls that with it's location and views, being right on the water, that downtown was more suitable for higher income people. I have explained to them that I was displaced, I did not want to be forced out of the neighborhood I grew up in (downtown core) and I would like to see a path back home for people like myself. The couple of "affordable" places walker john will add doesn't even touch on what has been taken (stolen) away. It's there to make him and his city council look like they are listening to us, but mostly making sure to pad walker johns pockets. Most the apartments will be market rate, driving up the cost of living for us all. I get that we need growth, but this guy doesn't want to be part of the community so much as own it as far as I can tell. And our Olympia city council bends over backwards for him and his ilk. I am actually thinking I will have to give up the roof over my head so I can go home. I don't like the way pushing all us low income people out might change voting and policy even more, slanting to the whims of greed. As a homeless person I can still vote in my hometown, where I can afford to be sheltered is outside of oly so as of now they have effectively made it so I can't vote for what matters to me in my hometown. That would be fine if I'd chosen to move, but I was displaced by the uncaring. I guess that they want more homeless people downtown?
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