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THANK YOU!!!!! Your editorial reflects exactly what I've been saying for the last several years. WHAT Happened??? I graduated from TESC in 1989. It was funky, for sure - but the learning that took place truly prepared me for a job and most importantly for a career.

I recently had the opportunity to return - for fun and to explore what the next chapter of life might offer me. I focused on a wide range of classes including psychology and history, Japanese, writing, and even, yes, pottery. The first thing that struck me is how easy it was for me to just take random classes without any accountability or logic to what I wanted to accomplish for my "degree". No one asked, advised, or even discussed with me how this mishmash of learning would support my future.

Second, because I was considered a 3rd-year student, I took only senior level classes. I spent a lot of time talking to my fellow students about their plans. I didn't hear one person talk about their goals in any sort of realistic way. Writing classmates told me of writing a great novel - while living in their parents basement. Many expressed concern that their student loans would have to repaid, while they try to figure out what to do for work now that they spent all that money and time without gaining marketable skills.

Finally, it was the violence. Yes, violence. Not so much threats to my life - but definitely distain for others and the ideology that what a person wants either in life or in possession is a right that is deserved rather than earned. I saw this coming from instructors, but mostly, from students who spoke loudly and with such conviction and violence, no one dared to disagree. I saw students who went along to get along; kids who have no life experience to help them sort through consequences of actions. Kids who are living and educating in an environment that supports and encourages contrary and violence, whether it's physical, mental, or verbal.

One last note. A friend of mine owns a home near TESC. Their fence has been regularly tagged by anarchists with violent, negative and often offensive messages. They paint, they repair, but throughout the year they are hit. With COVID and TESC going on-line - they were able to replace their fence, and the tagging stopped. Tell me there isn't a connection! I dare you!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this platform. Most importantly, thank you for having a safe platform where these thoughts and realities can be shared!

From: Evergreen: What has happened to you?

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