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There must be a way to clarify your position without dragging your opponent’s name in the mud. How negative this response was when it could have been an opportunity to positively clarify the issues at hand and reach out to voters before the election. Before I’m accused of being unethical, I’m going to acknowledge that my father publishes the Jolt, so yeah, I’m biased. Pat Cole has every right to his opinion and the publication has every right to publish Cole’s opinion. Just because the Jolt publishes an opinion, doesn’t mean that the entire publication endorses what’s in the article. Unbiased news shares a variety of opinions. If my father was really publication was biased, Ms. Reed, he would have declined to publish this. Also, which specific candidates work in real estate? I’m not trying to be sarcastic just understand but it is to my knowledge that only Weigand does. Thank you.

From: Olympia candidate Reed responds to Pat Cole's column

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