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Dear Lexis and Indifferent on the war. Can I add a different perspective on this as someone with a lot of gray hair and as someone who has seen her fair share of history. Everyday events happen in the world and it is impossible to care about everything. But there are times when the world changes and it is important to pay attention. This way you will be able to understand better the events that may have an impact on your life. Just as Covid killing people in China changed the world. Russia invading Ukraine may be one of those events. No one knows what is going to happen here except a lot of suffering and death that you and I, probably, will not be able to do much about. But the world has changed and it is going to impact you. At the very least gas prices are going to go up. At the very worst we are taking on a county that has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. Since Washington State is home to the Trident Nuclear Submarine base in Bangor, Joint Base Lewis/ McChord, a Navy base in Bremerton, Boeing, Microsoft, and other strategic targets, some of those nuclear weapons are pointed at us. Let hope it never comes to that. So Indifferent. My suggestion to you is find someway to understand the overall big picture of these events. Like watching the movie instead of having to read the whole book. Just so that when you are impacted by these events you understand them. Like when you have to pay higher gas prices because the people in Europe make the huge sacrifice of cutting off cheap gas imports from Russia and start buying gas from the same countries we do. I am a long time political activist. In so I find when I can make sense of world events I am somewhat more in control of things and I can make better decisions about my actions.

From: Some perspective on the war

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