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It's one thing to change the name of a river, mountain, or similar places or things, but to rename a county would cause stress and distress to everyone living or doing business here, for starters. A monumental task that would take untold amounts of time and money for every one of us. The actually changing is nothing compared to the cost to all those affected by it.

Do you happen to know a direct descendant of Samual Royal Thurston? I do. This person lives in western WA and, like their ancestor, is an attorney.

Not mentioned in this "editorial" is that SRT died on a return trip from the east coast as representative of this Territory and he was only 35 years old.

How many young people mature in their thinking of the world's ways as they grow up? We all do. I'm sure there's not one of us who has the same opinions and viewpoints today that we had X number of years ago. As has already been stated, political and personal thinking also matures with age. We can't change history by changing a place name. We must make the most of our own time on this earth by admirable accomplishments, creations, and additions to society and our country. And right now we're not doing a very good job of that with all the strife, 'canceling,' name-calling, fighting, etc. that are going on, are we?

From: Rename Thurston County? Why not?

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