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First Otter apparently does not understand the design of modern roundabouts.

Large trucks are EXPECTED to use all available lanes plus the center island. There is a "truck apron" designed into every modern roundabout. It has a small curb, one that will discourage autos from mounting it, but not a problem for large truck tires. That way the basic design can be intentionally slow for cars -- that reduces both the number of accidents and the seriousness of those accidents that do occur. Instead of being deadly T-bone accidents at conventional intersections, they are "glancing" accidents at low speed, very seldom causing injury.

Any auto trying to pass a truck in a roundabout is being dumb. Trucks need the full width. Be patient. Wait your turn. Proceed when safe.

The roundabouts in Lacey and Olympia have worked as intended, greatly improving both traffic flow and traffic safety. Nationally, roundabouts have reduced fatality rates at the intersections where they are installed by about 80%. While moving about 50% more cars per hour than conventional intersections. Plus, we avoid both the cost of installing and powering traffic signals -- and in a power outage, roundabouts work just fine.

I was skeptical of the "diverging diamond" installation where Marvin Road crosses I-5 in Lacey. But, after using it a few times, I recognize the engineering logic of that design. It works well to ensure that none of the traffic entering I-5 needs to make a left turn to do so. I do think that the entry ramp southbound is a bit excessive, but I think it's designed to accommodate a future entry ramp from south of Cabela's.

The landscaping in any roundabout should be designed for low maintenance. It's unfortunate if they are not being well-tended.

I recommend that people look at the American Society of Civil Engineers publication on modern roundabouts, available online at:

From: Tumwater to make major changes at Trosper and Capitol next year

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