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Why is it assumed that people are entitled to be able to fly anywhere, anytime they want, on the backs of people displaced for that privilege, and with no consent? If we are hitting a wall on meeting consumer demand in this day and age of climate challenge and environmental loss and damage , we have to accept the planet has limits and adapt ourselves to what the resources can bear. Where even do they think they are going to get the sand for all the concrete they will need? NPR did a talk about how places where we have been getting our sand like in river deltas and the desert, are now saying NO! Because those ecosystems need that sand and it's been found removing it is really messing up river hydrology, etc.

The airline industry should stop advertising, stop giving frequent flyer miles AND run a lottery for the airplane seats they do have. There are lotteries for hiking trails that have become over- popular. And for other things with parameters you can't go beyond. One environmental group is encouraging people to take a pledge not to fly. It is quite eye opening about how they found if people gave up just one flight a year they planned to take, it would save more fuel burned than all of the cars in the U.S. use in a year.

A person's home is their fortress. Food, water and shelter are the 3 essentials to life. We have the right to have a home that we earned, to go in, shut the door and everybody respect your right to be left alone. And if they enter against your consent it is a break in. I'm in the circle and experiencing this realization right now.

But when an airport needs more room this right to our own home is Not so! If an airport decides to put up shop where you live, you have no recourse. Because being able to take a plane, and their airports are considered an essential infrastructure that local jurisdictions, states, and even the Feds, have no power over. Imminent domain being forced on people, in which ever site is chosen is no different than Putin coming over Ukraine's border and taking over. Or Israel burning Palestinians' olive orchards and homes to cleanse them of Israeli's supposed right to the West Bank.

Here we are in Thurston County, desperate to end our homelessness issue, and with the other hand thinking about displacing 28,000 settled, contributing County members from their homes, schools, and even for some, like my spouse, our places of employment! I voted for Governor Inslee and he takes good care of us under covid. But he has not taken a stand of this airport, while every County jurisdiction has, and then sends me emails about how he's going to meet Washington's Climate goals and he's going to make affordable housing a top priority of his too? He has not answered my letter about the airport, either. Where do you stand Governor? I've written to all the legislators on the Stoptheairport web site, and they all say they are against it, except a few. And that's not all the legislators that there are. Where do the rest of you Legislators stand?

When I was carrying a sign against the airport, a driver yelled at me that we have worse problems than airports. Yes we do. But not if you are the one who is living in the circle, don't own your own place that you thought you were settled in for life, loose your income, and have a FSC certified forest you have protected, and a self sustaining food garden you have worked on for 50 years. Jean Shaffer

From: More barriers to building a major new airport in central Thurston County proposed by Tahoma Audubon Society

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