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I am sad to read of your ignorance about the state of poverty and disability in the United States.

At least 25% of homeless people have primary disabilities. Additional disabilities go undiagnosed for lifetimes: Like autism.

Autistic adults are more likely to be homeless than non-autistic adults.

When it comes to using substances, have you ever been homeless while sober? I have. I spent 7.5 years as an autistic, disabled person without a home.

It's enough to drive anyone to attempting to kill the pain of one's own brain or fighting for the respect of others.

Do you realize that MANY homeless people hold down at least one if not more than one job?

At some point in time the issue of homelessness was removed from the circumstances of poverty. We have an income disparity in this country that we should be ASHAMED of.

People die in our streets, while others hoard wealth. That is not humanity. That is evil.

From: Snowy conundrum and those left out in it

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