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Missing from this biased article are questions like:

- Where did Danny come from? Did he grow up in Olympia?

- Does Danny have substance abuse problems - heroin, alcohol, meth? If so, where does he get them and how does he pay for them?

- Has Danny ever had a job - and why isn't he working now?

- How is Danny's mental state? Does he have mental health diagnoses that are currently untreated?

- Does Danny have a criminal record? Are there warrants for him now?

What is so upsetting about these bleeding heart stories (because you cannot call them reports), is that the writer is so clearly biased and isn't looking for solutions, just more of the same for these people. If you want to help them so terribly bad - get to the root cause - if he is a criminal put him in jail. If he has mental health issues, get him the help he needs to get off the streets. If he has substance problems - put him in a program or jail to reform. If this is Danny's choice - then move on to some place else and stop clogging our once beautiful city and making it a dangerous, ugly place!

From: Danny’s day

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