A Letter to the Editor,
I'm calling because I've been reading your JOLT News.
And I read at the bottom you have some sort of, I guess you'd call it, a mission statement that says that you will be reporting true honest. And I know for a fact, it's unbiased news.
I'm just calling to ask you to stick to that mission statement because all I seem to find in there is biased news when it comes to people that are unhoused. A lot of derogatory terms like "transient" are meant to make people look bad instead of actually treating them as the same human beings that you and I are.
So I am calling to ask you to please stop being biased in your reporting against homeless people. I am not homeless myself. But I do know that those [who] are are all our brothers and sisters out there.
And the way that you write news about them is shameful. And it's hurtful. I'm asking for you to reconsider your words when putting out news articles about people that are experiencing one of the hardest hardships that their lives will ever have. Anyway, I thank you for listening to this.
Have a good day.
[Name not provided]
Editor's Note:
The above is transcribed from a voice message that arrived on June 12, 2021. It is our policy to not publish anonymous letters, but it made sense to me to get this message out for discussion.
I reached out to the phone number from which the call came and but have not received a reply to the message I left with the individual who answered the phone. I'd welcome another call, or a message, and will appreciate clarification about this.
It is not our intention to use language that is hurtful or disrespectful. We identify individuals with their age, when available, and city of residence to provide perspective about the individuals who are involved in events here. When unhoused individuals are involved in crimes, either as alleged suspects or victims, their housing status is nearly always relevant to the situation and so reported.
Our understanding is that the words "transient" and "homeless" are neutral. I'm open to suggestions about how to do a better job.
The reason "transient" is used in our stories is that it is the verbiage used in police reports, especially under address, along with the identifying city where they are associated with. It is not used as a disparagement, instead, it is used as a locator of this person only having no known street address that they live on - i.e. a last locator. They might have specific housing, such as a halfway house or mission house, but nowhere that they receive contact or mail officially routinely.
~ Danny Stusser
Updated June 15, 2021 9:10 p.m.
7 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
While concerns for a ;on going lasting condition regarding the "encampments" is and will be a continuing problem, maybe the focus of criticisms should be directed towards oue "elected" officials who created and allow the problem to fester.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Report this
Transient is also a noun meaning "a person who moves from place to place; a homeless person." The word comes from Latin transire, "to pass over," so you can think of it as describing things that are quickly passed over.
I do not see any bias or disrespect in the Jolt's homeless articlse. Calling someone who is homeless transient is not degrading. It is accurate.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Report this
Everyone seems to be so easily offended these days. I find your reporting even-handed and reasonable in all cases....keep up the good work. As the other commenters noted, words have meanings. Calling a transient something else does not change his or her status.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Report this
The weather is supposed to reach the high 80s this weekend, but I perceive a persistent snowflake.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 Report this
Please don't pretend you don't understand the power of words. And calling someone a "snowflake" is just childish b.s. so whatever with the commenter who thought that they were clever. Asking for unbiased news doesn't seem melty to me.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 Report this
50% of my professional job for 45+ years was to write. I do know the power of words. And I know that the word "snowflake" will perhaps coerce someone into an irritated response. Thank you for meeting my expectations! God love ya!
Thursday, June 17, 2021 Report this
I gwt what the anonymous commenter is saying. Most of the article titles say "transient man" or "transient woman".... However when it is about a housed person it says "man...." "Woman...." Then when you read the article you find out what town the person is from. That's the biased and demeaning part of the news reporting I believe the caller had meant.
Saturday, July 10, 2021 Report this