OLYMPIA –– Members of the city’s finance committee discussed impact fees in a Wednesday night meeting this week, addressing these one-time charges on new development projects in Olympia.
City documents indicate the purpose of the fees is to help pay for new or expanded public facilities that are a direct result of new growth. These fees are a part of the city’s 2021 preliminary operating and capital budget and will fund new development projects initiated by the city.
The City of Olympia charges transportation and parks impacts fees for building and facilities projects and also collects school impact fees for the Olympia School District. The school impact fees are then paid in full to the school district.
“Many projects over the years have gotten funded through park impact fees and as our community is getting more dense and more built out,” said Jonathan Turlove, the city parks planning and maintenance director. “We believe that park impact fee projects are going to be critical as they provide for people who might not have large backyards if they are in multi-family housing or living downtown.”
Turlove and other city staffers analyzed ways to calculate impact fees, whether the city should charge additional impact fees to be used for residential projects. Impact fees for non-residents would target employees who use park facilities during lunch, after work, etc.
“The charges would be in a small percentage as these people do not live in Olympia,” said Turlove.
While impact fees and residential projects aren’t traditionally used together by city staff in Olympia, city officials are looking at multiple options that include decreasing fees across the board.
“Additional discussion whether single occupancy, accessory dwelling units, and senior housing should remain completely exempt or have a discounted fee rate will be done shortly as the board has shown some interest in re-examining these fees ” said Leonard Bauer, the Olympia community planning & development director.
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