Speaking at the Thurston County Chamber of Commerce's monthly forum on Wed., Nov. 10, former Washington Governor Chris Gregoire called for state-wide action to address chronic homelessness.
Gregoire is CEO of Challenge Seattle, a group of chief executive officers of Washington’s largest and most visible companies and organizations. The group has invested in consultants to research the methods used by cities such as San Bernardino and San Diego to significantly reduce homelessness.
Challenge Seattle just released its report, titled, "Chronic Homelessness: A Crossroad," that describes the situation, their research and recommendations.
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (UHD) people who are chronically homeless are individuals who have experienced homelessness for a year or longer, or who had experienced homelessness repeatedly for at least four times within the last three years.
To resolve chronic homelessness, the former Governor announced six recommendations to address the issue. These steps include:
1. Emergency Housing
The former Governor shared that Challenge Seattle's top priority is to find funds for local governments. Instead of moving people from one county or city to another, Gregoire believed that local governments should have the ability to give emergency housing for individuals who are experiencing homelessness.
2. Provide individualized, on-demand services
In addition, Gregoire shared that 90 percent of voters believed that the issue cannot be resolved in just “one fell swoop.” In their survey, she noted that voters believe it takes a combination of healthcare, mental health, and substance abuse services to take individuals out of homelessness.
Thurston County Commissioner Gary Edwards also spoke during the meeting. He asked whether these services should be mandatory. In response, Gregoire believed that having such policies is counter-intuitive, “There are some folks who no matter what we do, [do] not take their medication or not go to their counseling.” She noted that instead of penalizing individuals, having a strong support system is necessary."
3. Establish a command center to focus on individuals with an emphasis on equity
“We need a command center that is focused solely on chronic homelessness,” the former Governor said. In addition, she noted that in their analysis, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and people of color are twice to 32 times more likely to experience homelessness. As a result, Gregoire believed it is necessary to hire individuals with “significant cultural awareness.”
4. Utilize real-time data
Another recommendation includes the use of technology. The former Governor explained that real-time data provides an immediate update on whether the person is missing their appointments, or skipping other important health services. “We need real-time data…what we have found all too often is when you do have a home, when you do have a place for the person, you have no idea where that person is. They do not stay stationary,” Gregoire said.
5. Employ qualified, experienced caseworkers including those with "lived experience"
“These individuals have high needs, high acuity,” Gregoire shared. This is why she believed that it is necessary to have qualified experienced caseworkers, as well as teaming them with individuals who have experienced homelessness.
The former Governor believed that trust is an important factor in building these relationships. “And oftentimes we need to have them partner with someone who has had lived experience to build a trusting relationship,” she said.
6. Focus on transparency, accountability, and evaluation with regular reporting to the public
Gregoire shared for such programs to be successful, there must also be transparency, accountability and regular reports to the public. The former Governor explained that this recommendation is not meant to penalize anyone. Rather, these provide an opportunity for discussion as well as guide leaders in taking appropriate action.
In her speech, Gregoire stressed the need for collective action, “This is not a…bipartisan issue or a partisan issue at all. This is a human issue, a statewide problem that cries out for a solution. Let's all work together,” she said, adding, “it's going to call on all of us to really reach out, have a good conversation ... that makes it right for the community at large and makes it right for the homeless.”
The full recording of the Thurston County Chamber’s Forum is set to be broadcast on Thurston Community Media Channel 77 on Fri., Nov. 12 at 4:30 p.m. and three more times in the coming days. The full schedule of planned replays is here.
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Same ole same ole. How about some new thinking?
Friday, November 12, 2021 Report this
Amazing ...the panel has no real answers .Go down to the camp or have a camera crew go into the camp down there at Capitol lake talk interview ..they will all talk and you can get a real feel for what is going on with true homelessness .Don't forget there is also a legion of people in cars too veterans. Mother's grandma's . Many are in need of a group of mobile councilors /facilators to assess hand walk give inform supply ride to and back from medication medical mental health .Veterans are among them who gave up PTSD stressed to the max for crying out loud have a mobile unit go get these guys and help get proper benefits homes there is plenty to introduce and again hand walk them in and over see success ....here's a big one ....drug and alcohol addiction especially alcohol which by the way is available these days 24/7 in little 7/11 all over ect ....remember the state makes millions on liquor and weed now which used to be called dope ...oh the tax revenue they get and sacrifice the public into death and addiction then it spirals into homelessness hospital sickness death overcrowding hospitals .....on and on the fact is people in the street cannot just walk in to a center and get detoxed there is a waiting list weeks long it takes medicine and a nurse to get them through the first 3 to 7 days then a counselor then teach nutrition then give them a job........on and on my people ! The L and I bullsh_t needs to stop there policing jobs so many companies can hire them give them a labor job the towns county's can have road crews like they do for people working off fines in those vans ....pay cash at the end of the day gives a human being a purpose a sense of accomplishment.....anyway those college graduate program funding speech politicians who do not step foot to a homeless camp need to do just that invite them to speak on the streets in the camp mingle and know what really is needed I have done it and on the eve of Thanksgiving we will be out there giving warm food to my fellow USA people many who are out there for several years ...To be fair ,I would like to note that whoever implemented the huge city trash containers ,wash stations and port a potties at most of the encampments Was excellent ....that was and is a very big help to the homeless .....3 mil garbage bags with little rakes would also be extremely helpful to clean up camps for individuals .have to have a few rakes because of needles and other unsanitary garbage to get into bags .....
Friday, November 12, 2021 Report this