During its work session last night, the Lacey City Council discussed a proposal to join Olympia in an interlocal agreement (ILA) to fund a study that would identify and assess the cost implications of requiring new buildings to consume only electric energy.
Community and Economic Development Director Rick Walk said although the shift to electrification is seen to have a positive impact on reducing the region's carbon footprint, questions were raised related to the financial implications of the proposed policy based on local conditions.
"Because there haven't been any direct studies here locally, it is suggested that we develop this study to analyze those impacts and for various councils and commissions to take action with more information at some point in the future," Walk said.
The proposed electrification policy would amend local municipal codes to require electrical appliances and systems in new residential and commercial buildings and prohibit them from connecting to natural gas.
Research for this proposed policy would cost a total of $30,476. Lacey's proportionate share of the total cost is $7,619---the same with Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County.
Walk said, if approved, the 2022 Climate Action Implementation budget would fund Lacey's proportionate share.
Lacey City Mayor Andy Ryder said the council would decide if they would join the ILA on the study at their next city council meeting.
Phase 4 of Thurston Climate Action Plan
The City Council also looked into the proposed ILA for Phase 4 of the Thurston Climate Action Plan. This would create an ongoing framework for supporting regional climate action implementation.
If approved, the total budget to implement the Phase 4 ILA this 2022 is $242,648, with Lacey's share being $60,662.
In 2018, Lacey's City Council signed a four-phased ILA with Thurston County, Olympia, and Tumwater to begin the process to develop region-wide climate action goals and policies through a Regional Climate Mitigation Plan. Phases 1 to 3 took place from 2018 to 2021.
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What is so green about electricity? Two thirds of Puget Sound Energy comes from coal and natural gas, thirty one percent comes from hydroelectric dams which kill salmon. If Lacey wants to get serious about climate change, they would quit removing trees from the city and paving it over with cement.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Report this