Lacey Utilities recommends approval of Draham Road Annexation


Lacey’s Utilities Committee recommended Draham Road annexation for full council approval during its meeting last July 3.

The parcel is within the Pleasant Glade Planning Area and the Lacey Urban Growth Area west of Judd Street SE, north of 15th Avenue NE/Draham Road NE, south of Cuoio Park, and west of the existing city limits boundary.

The proposed annexation area’s 2022-2023 assessed value is $55,927,000.

“It is a project that has been in our plans for a long time,” Planning Manager Ryan Andrews said. “Thurston County’s been collecting traffic mitigation fees for this area, so we need to look at the county and see what is available to help offset the cost and see if it can be transferred to the city.”

The area, a mixture of single-family residential use on larger lots, includes 189 tax parcels totaling approximately 210 acres.

Aerial photo of the Draham Road Annexation shows the 210-acre area with critical areas and buffers.
Aerial photo of the Draham Road Annexation shows the 210-acre area with critical areas and buffers.

It also includes critical areas and buffers primarily associated with Woodland and Eagle Creek.

The area’s annexation is consistent with City Council priorities for annexation, and it will eliminate a potential unincorporated island while creating more logical city-limit boundaries.

The steps taken were for the Draham Road Annexation:

  1. Additional Staff Analysis and Coordination:
    • Coordination with Thurston County
    • Identify traffic impact fees collected for projects in the area
    • Identify the timing of transportation improvements
    • Identify stormwater maintenance costs for culvert maintenance
    • Staffing concerns
  2. Allow the applicant to provide feedback
  3. Forward to the full council for consideration and action


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