The LOTT Clean Water Alliance was awarded the 2025 National Environmental Achievement Award by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies on Wednesday, Jan. 29.
The agency was recognized under the award’s “watershed collaboration” category for its Clean Water Community Connections program.
The umbrella program covers everything LOTT does outside of its primary service of managing wastewater. It includes initiatives to improve local water quality, support affordable housing, plan for sea level rise and provide education activities.
The community connections program includes the agency’s participation in the Deschutes Estuary project, which is spreadhead by the Department of Enterprise Services to revert the Capitol Lake back into an estuary. The agency is part of the project, as it would have to replace all of the utilities that will be affected by the project.
In attendance at the awarding ceremony held in Rancho Mirage, California, were Matt Kennelly, LOTT’s executive director, as well as Tye Menser and Leatta Dahlhoff, chair and vice chair of the agency’s Board of Directors.
“I’m honored to accept this award on behalf of the dedicated staff at the LOTT Clean Water Alliance. We are committed to meeting our community’s growing wastewater treatment needs and designing supportive programs that benefit overall water quality for decades to come,” stated Kennelly in a press release from the agency.
LOTT shared the award with the Hampton Roads Sanitation District in Virginia for its sewer project.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies recognized 40 utility agencies during the ceremony.
The association represents public wastewater and stormwater agencies in the country. It also advocates for legislation and regulation of clean water, as well as providing technical resources for water management, according to its website.
2 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
I have never been comfortable with LOTT's addition of "Clean Water" to its name a few years back.
The vast majority of the water discharged by LOTT is anything but clean. It's a wonder that it doesn't kill all of the fish in Budd Inlet.
Even the far smaller amount of "reclaimed water" contains polluting chemicals.
The only apparent reason to add "Clean Water" to LOTT's name is to cover up the truth and reduce any pressure for full disclosure.
I suggest we try "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" and see how comfortable we all are with the LOTT operation.
Bob Jacobs
5 days ago Report this
I lived at Fiddlehead Marina 2014- to 2016, when they Tied LOTTS treatment Plant into the StormWater System of the City to by pass the Port -- and it smelled like a Sewer for that time i was there.
It Still does. I voted For Tye M. and Expect him to ALL ways be up front about enviro. Issues.
Good OPINIONS BOB J.....WE'RE Listening!
There WILL be Elections to Follow!
5 days ago Report this