Olympia City Hall will implement new operating hours for its lobbies and customer service starting on Feb. 3.
Lobbies and customer service will be open to serve the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays. Lobbies and customer service will be closed on Friday.s
"The move to be closed on Fridays is an efficiency out of the city's recent budget challenges," the City of Olympia said in a news release.
It added, "Fridays have generally been the city hall customer service counters' slowest day of the week for in-person visits."
Residents can still access many services online or by phone, while in-person services are unavailable on Fridays. Alternative options will remain available for people needing to conduct business on Fridays:
The Community Planning and Economic Development Department's permit counter will also operate under the new hours.
On Fridays, engineering, building and land use permit customers can still receive phone, email or the SmartGov portal assistance.
The Olympia Police Department lobby will also follow the new hours.
However, office staff will remain available by phone on Fridays at 360-753-8300. Alternate contact options include:
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If the City of Olympia took a good hard look at our budget, and cut out the use of so many expensive consultants, and quit spending our tax money to pay attorneys to fight citizens who have valid legal issues for which the citizens have to pay out of pocket to appeal and fight illegal City actions, and gave a damn traffic ticket for cause occasionally rather than let the city streets be drag strips as they are now, then the City of Olympia wouldn't have any budget problems and could keep the doors open five days a week as they should do--for crying out loud!
Friday, January 31 Report this
Just a curious non-resident citizen -- if the city staff remains available by phone, on Fridays, where is the cost savings??????
Saturday, February 1 Report this